I adopted a fluff! His name is Chuck!! He's such a cutie
Hi! This is my hanson site (duh) it's always under consrtuction, so, keep coming back, OK? Look around!! There are ALOT of pix!!!
Here are the pages you can go to on my page:
My adopted Hansons'
Things you might not have noticed
Click here if you are 18 or older
Bored? Click here. You'll have a ball.
AhhhH!!!! I need a banner! anyone want to make me one?? (preferably for free?) E MAIL ME PLEASE
I am in NO way accociated with Hanson. So, that means
I do NOT know them (dang!), have never spoken with them, (dang!!) so,
don't E-mail me thinking that I am Hanson. I'm not. And all these pix,
I took off of other people's pages, so, I pray every night that nobody
sues me. They are just pix, and if you want me to take them down, I will.
PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! SON'T SUE ME! I HAVE LIKE, 5 CENTS!! So, just ASK me to take them down, and I WILL.
All I ask is that you wave to Duke. He has sources.
I am